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Fort Fairfield Journal Television

Maine's Leading Independent News Source

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Over $220,000 in Scholarships Awarded at FFMHS 2024 Graduation on June 9

Twenty-six seniors graduated from Fort Fairfield Middle/High School on June 9.  Over $220,000 in scholarships were awarded during the ceremony.  Pictured here are Crystal Forbes, Valedictorian (left) and Jakob Long, Salutatorian.

photo/David Deschesne 

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Recent FFJ News

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Miss Fort Fairfield Pageant Crowns Three New Queens for 2024

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Tactical Civics Seminar Held in Easton, Maine

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Government-Sponsored Weather Modification Could Explain Unseasonable Weather Events

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COVID-19 Story Archives

Documented stories and analysis about the COVID-19 "pandemic" that were ignored, or ridiculed by the corporate media, yet published in the hard copy print version of Fort Fairfield Journal.

Link to COVID story archives

COVID-19 'vaccine' Damage Stories

A chronicle of stories about COVID-19 'vaccine' damage victims as publicly stated by them, but ignored by the government and corporate media. These stories have all been previously published in the hard copy print edition of Fort Fairfield Journal.

COVID 'vaccine' damage story index
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On the weekend of June 8-9, Spud Speedway in Caribou hosted its Spring "Mud Bowl" featuring Monster Truck shows, a truck and tractor pull, Mud Runs and a midway provided by Smokey's Greater Shows. 

panoramic photo/David Deschesne

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Maine News

Maine CDC Losing the Trust of Objective-Thinking Mainers

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Governor Mills Proposes Gas Tax Increases to Force Mainers to Buy Electric Cars

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Health Care and EMS Suffering Staff Shortages Under Governor Mills’ Destructive ‘vaccine’ Mandate

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Index to Maine News archives >>
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From the Editor

Pointed, highly documented erudite research and commentary by Fort Fairfield Journal founder/editor/publisher, David Deschesne.

Deschesne is not enrolled in any political party, but is sympathetic to conservative Libertarians.  His editorial topics span religion, politics, government over-reach and an observation of modern society through the lense of a researcher.

He is the author  and publisher of the book, "In the Beginning: Reconciling Quantum Physics with the Biblical Story of Creation." 

From the Editor index >>
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Josie Adams

Josie Adams is a 12 year-old seventh grade student at Fort Fairfield Middle/High School. She is in the school's Gifted and Talented program. Josie enjoys reading books of all types and studying history. Her future plans are to be an English teacher. In March, 2023 she attended the CPAC meeting in Maryland.

Josie's editorials appear exclusively in the print edition of the Fort Fairfield Journal and on this website.

Josie Adams index >>
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This online version of Fort Fairfield Journal is an abridged version of the hard copy, print edition which is sold in stores throughout central and southern Aroostook County, Maine and via mailed subscription.  Purchase a copy or subscribe to get all the news not archived on this website.  The hard copy, print edition of the Fort Fairfield Journal is a research paper dedicated to bypassing corporate and social media censorship.

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National News

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Comes “Within Striking Distance” of Republicans and Democrats in 2024 Presidential Election Run

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Professor of Meteorology Speaks Out:  "The Climate Science is Not Settled!"

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U.S. DHHS Whistleblower Says U.S. is Middleman in Child Trafficking Ring

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Index to National News Archives >>


Fort Fairfield Journal Television produces news and documentary videos.  View them on our censorship-free Rumble channel.

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© 2024 David R. Deschesne
Fort Fairfield Journal
P.O. Box 247
Fort Fairfield, Maine 04742
(207) 472-3900